National Occupational Standards (NOS)
The Institute of the Motor Industry is responsible for setting the National Occupational Standards (NOS) for all sectors of the automotive industry. National Occupational Standards (NOS) have been developed to cover:
- the technical areas of the industry
- parts operations
- sales operations
- management, in the form of the Automotive Retail Management Standards (ARMs).
National Occupational Standards are presented in the form of units and they describe the different functions carried out by people working in the different sectors of the industry. Each unit shows the outcomes of competent performance and includes the essential knowledge and understanding that someone needs to function effectively.
Traditionally, the most common use of motor industry standards has been to develop National Vocational Qualifications and Scottish Vocational Qualifications.
However there are a number of other important uses for National Occupational Standards where they can be used as:
- a benchmark against which companies can compare their internal practices and procedures
- a basis for developing training programmes
- for employee recruitment and selection (i.e. developing job descriptions and person specifications)
- developing or refining performance appraisal systems
- self assessment
- setting staff grading and promotion criteria
- as an organisational development tool.
Sector Skills Councils
Sector Skills Councils will continue to use NOS to review S/NVQ provision but increasingly use them to inform the content of other knowledge based qualifications, diplomas and new qualifications being developed for the 14 to 19 year cohort, foundation degrees, and where relevant in license to practice arrangements whether voluntary or statutory.
Employers can use Occupational Standards (NOS) to assist with a range of activities in the workplace:
Business Planning
Describe the skills they need in their workforce
Assess the skills already in the workforce
Develop training and recruitment plans to fill any identified gaps and shortages.
Selection and Recruitment
NOS can be used to form the basis of job descriptions
NOS can assist with staff retention
Staff Development
NOS contain descriptions of good practice and can be used as the basis for setting objectives in performance and appraisal.
Developing and Evaluating Training
Training plans and training courses can be developed to meet both organisational and individual learning needs. NOS can be used to inform the content of training as they specify in detail what constitutes good practice. They can also be used to evaluate training by defining the expected outcomes.
The NOS provide an excellent basis from which to develop bench marking exercises either internally or to compare with other organisations.
Training Providers
Training providers both public and private can use standards to help ensure that training programmes do relate to employment needs.
Employees can use NOS to undertake a self-assessment of their competences against their own or other jobs. This can be helpful for someone considering a career move or simply for their own professional development.